- Unique movies seen
- 3084
- Movies seen with rewatches
- 3317
- Time watched
- 244d 19h 31m
- Wilhelm screams
- 109
- Best of the year
- All Quiet on the Western Front (9)
- Shortest movie
- Forky Asks a Question: What Is Money? (3m)
- Longest movie
- It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (3h 25m)
Watched by year
Ratings this year
Seen this year by month
Movies by year
- 2024
28 - 2023
33 - 2022
47 - 2021
35 - 2020
28 - 2019
48 - 2018
47 - 2017
75 - 2016
116 - 2015
114 - 2014
131 - 2013
129 - 2012
161 - 2011
147 - 2010
146 - 2009
138 - 2008
139 - 2007
117 - 2006
123 - 2005
97 - 2004
127 - 2003
139 - 2002
120 - 2001
94 - 2000
75 - 1999
57 - 1998
56 - 1997
58 - 1996
46 - 1995
39 - 1994
34 - 1993
45 - 1992
29 - 1991
17 - 1990
18 - 1989
28 - 1988
19 - 1987
22 - 1986
22 - 1985
17 - 1984
13 - 1983
8 - 1982
10 - 1981
9 - 1980
9 - 1979
7 - 1978
8 - 1977
4 - 1976
4 - 1975
3 - 1974
2 - 1973
3 - 1972
3 - 1971
3 - 1970
7 - 1969
2 - 1968
4 - 1967
3 - 1966
2 - 1965
1 - 1964
2 - 1963
2 - 1961
2 - 1959
1 - 1955
1 - 1953
1 - 1950
1 - 1947
1 - 1946
1 - 1942
1 - 1940
2 - 1939
1 - 1937
1 - 1926
Most watched movies
- 1Trading Places
7 - 2National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
7 - 3Coming to America
6 - 4Home Alone
5 - 5Crazy, Stupid, Love.
5 - 6What If
5 - 7It's a Wonderful Life
5 - 8New Year's Eve
5 - 9Once Upon A Time in Phuket
4 - 10About Time
4 - 11The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
4 - 12Arthur Christmas
4 - 13The Night Before
4 - 14The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
4 - 15Die Hard
4 - 16Fittest on Earth: A Decade of Fitness
4 - 17The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
4 - 18Lone Survivor
4 - 19Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
3 - 20Guardians of the Galaxy
- 1Frank Welker
63 - 2Samuel L. Jackson
56 - 3Bruce Willis
44 - 4Matt Damon
43 - 5Morgan Freeman
42 - 6Stan Lee
40 - 7Jason Statham
39 - 8Tom Hanks
39 - 9Bill Hader
38 - 10Mickie McGowan
145765 people total